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PLC Upgrade

The challenge

Our client wanted to upgrade their programmable logic controllers (PLCs) across two large iron ore mine sites. This process needed to be implemented in stages and across multiple shutdowns. Detailed planning was required to ensure the upgrade project had no impact on shutdown durations and overall plant availability metrics.

The scope of the project involved the procurement of the new PLC parts, the software design for the updated PLC code, the management of the engineering vendor, site stakeholder engagement, and a staged deployment of the PLC upgrades during major overhauls (shutdowns) as well as post-installation support.

Our approach

We managed the project by working closely with the engineering vendor to ensure the necessary design and software development work was done in a timely manner and with sufficient quality control and risk mitigation to de-risk the project as far as was practical. We also engaged the site shutdown teams to ensure the upgrade project scope was included in the shutdowns to minimise interactions with other work groups. Furthermore, we sourced the new upgraded PLC parts on time and within the constrained supply chain, and tightly managed the project schedule. Finally, we planned each shutdown activity in meticulous detail, coordinating with the site team to ensure the works were completed seamlessly.

The results

The Mount team successfully implemented the upgrade in each shutdown with no impact on the overall shutdown schedule, despite challenges in the supply of PLC components. The PLC upgrade works were completed as planned, and site coordination and logistics were completed effectively and efficiently.